My Wife Feeds Me My Sperm

My husband likes to eat cum

When having sex with my husband I always go on top to have my orgasms, and after I have cum a few times I roll over as he loves to muff me after I have had a few orgasms, the he finishes off while I am on my back, but the other night he did the same thing, and when he came up I noticed cum all over his face, he had cum in me and still went down on me, the strange thing is after he cums, he goes immediately soft and has never gone for a 2nd round, this time he was still rock hard and went for a long time before he came again. Afterwards I spoke to him and he admitted to actually having this fantasy a long time and enjoying the taste of cum from me, this is quite disturbing to me, as men are seriously put off by cum, So I decided to let this play out a bit so I could know more, and now I know that he likes cum, he will eat it from my breasts or fanny, and has even admitted that he would like to eat other mens cum from and off me, I am seriously upset by this discovery and told him he can never do that again, because I am deeply concerned that he might have a gay side no 1, and no 2 I think he doesn't respect me much if he thinks I can be his porn star and he watch other men use me and cum in and on me so that he can taste their cum. This is seriously abnormal, and this knowledge of my husband who has been my hero has actually put me off sex totally, how can we ever get over this, because once one knows something, it is impossible to un know


Hi Concerned Wife,

Apologies for the delay in answering.

Sometimes people's fantasies can feel quite shocking to hear, but often they are only that: fantasies. And fantasies are often comprised of the kinds of things that are considered socially/sexually taboo. Straight men fantasizing about eating other men's ejaculate is not as uncommon as you may think. Of course, most men would never talk about this, because of the stigma attached to it.

And potentially 50% of the sexually active "straight" identifying population has a "gay" side. We are all just so well socially conditioned to have to choose our label and stick to it, that we often never connect to other sexual alternatives.

But put us on a remote island for 10 years with only the same gender to sexually interact with and you may even find that, that 50% climbs to 90% of us!

This does not mean that 90% of us will necessarily have a homosexual experience in our lifetimes, but we certainly have the potential to be turned on by a homosexual encounter - if only we could get out of our heads for a while!

I also understand your upset regarding feeling like a porn star, and thereby being objectified by your partner. Again, this may just be his fantasy. And in many people's fantasies, they sexually objectify others or are objectified themselves. The important point is that you never feel coerced to live out this fantasy if you are opposed to playing this role.

Your husband can still be your hero. He is just a little "kinkier" than you realized; and what he is describing is not abnormal. Try to focus on his strengths as a lover and maybe keep your private fantasies as private. Often it is better that way.

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